Height Booster Collection
Product details
All Natural Ingredients
Fructose, Apple Pectin, Arginine, Citric Acid, Fermented Food extract powder, Vitamin C, Vitamin D
L-Arginine is an essential amino acid required for child growth. It stimulates the body to enhance the growth hormone response.
*Studies show arginine plays a more important role in growth of height instead of Calcium alone and the imbalance diet of children nowadays may result in arginine deficiency which affects the generation of growth hormone in body.
Apple Pectin
Improve focus and memory.
Vitamin D
Help bones formation and muscles building.
Fermented food extract
Improve digestion and bowel movement.
精胺酸是一種人體必需的胺基酸,能促進生長激素分泌,幫助長高。早在上世紀八十年代,意大利發表的一份真人實驗報告,測試精胺酸(L-arginine)對提升人體生長激素的效力。研究以15名男性志願人士作研究,每日服用精胺酸各1200mg並測試他們內分泌水平,發現能刺激腦下垂腦分泌激素。(Curr Med Res Opin. 1981;7(7):475-81.)。
Customer’s Feedback
2 Months Effect
Product details
Hypoallergenic formula
All Natural Ingredients
Plant-based milk, L-arginine, Apple pectin, multiple strains of probiotics and Vitamin D
Plant-based Milk
Plant-based milk, gluten-free
L-Arginine is an essential amino acid required for child growth. It stimulates the body to enhance the growth hormone response.
*Studies show arginine plays a more important role in growth of height instead of Calcium alone and the imbalance diet of children nowadays may result in arginine deficiency which affects the generation of growth hormone in body.
Apple Pectin
Improve focus and memory.
Multiple Strains Of Probiotics
For Gut Health.
Vitamin D
Build strong bones and muscles.